MM 2: Topical session (Symposium MM): High entropy and compositionally complex alloys
Montag, 1. April 2019, 10:15–13:15, H43
Sessions: Design and Development; Properties I
10:15 |
MM 2.1 |
Topical Talk:
Fundamentals of deformation in high- and medium-entropy alloys — •Guillaume Laplanche, Joël Bonneville, Céline Varvenne, Aleksander Kostka, William A. Curtin, and Easo P. George
10:45 |
MM 2.2 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
11:00 |
MM 2.3 |
Electrodeposition of high entropy alloy thin films and nanowires — •Mirko Gabski, Martin Peterlechner, and Gerhard Wilde
11:15 |
MM 2.4 |
Nanoscale, continuous phase separation of Al-containing compositionally complex alloys via Laser Powder Bed Fusion — Nicolas J. Peter, •Hyo Yun Jung, Eric Gärtner, Volker Uhlenwinkel, Gerhard Dehm, and Eric A. Jägle
11:30 |
15 min. break
11:45 |
MM 2.5 |
Topical Talk:
Single-crystal mechanical properties of equiatomic CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy and its derivative equiatomic quaternary and ternary medium-entropy alloys — •Haruyuki Inui
12:15 |
MM 2.6 |
High-pressure torsion produced lamellar structure between single phaseequiatomic FCC CoCrFeMnNi and single phase BCC HfNbTaTiZr HEAs — •Shabnam Taheriniya, Sergiy V. Divinski, and Gerhard Wilde
12:30 |
MM 2.7 |
Tunable optical properties of (Mg-Co-Cu-Ni-Zn)O High Entropy Oxide thin films — •Emeline Michel
12:45 |
MM 2.8 |
The effect of magnetism on the stability of high entropy alloys — •Jakub Šebesta and Dominik Legut
13:00 |
MM 2.9 |
On the mechanism of displacive phase transformation in metastable high entropy alloys — •Jing Su, Dierk Raabe, and Zhiming Li