MM 39: Structural Materials (Steels, light-weight materials, high-temperature materials)
Donnerstag, 4. April 2019, 15:00–17:45, H45
Sessions: Advanced steels; High temperature compounds
15:00 |
MM 39.1 |
Impact of Ferritic, Pearlite and Martensitic Micro-structured Steels and Geometric Length Scales on Micro Tensile Testing — •Jonas Kutschmann, Thomas Pretorius, Andreas Offergeld, Andreas Kern, and Gerhard Wilde
15:15 |
MM 39.2 |
High Temperature Chlorine Corrosion - Influence of additives on alkali-capture and the effect on corrosion in waste to energy plants — •Sebastian Pentz, Daniel Ott, Ferdinand Haider, and Ragnar Warnecke
15:30 |
MM 39.3 |
Theoretical modeling of interstitial carbon impurities in Fe-Mn paramagnetic alloys — Alena Ponomareva, Bobur Mukhamedov, and •Igor Abrikosov
15:45 |
MM 39.4 |
Quantum-mechanical study of thermodynamic and magnetic properties of disordered Fe-Al phases with vacancies — •Ivana Miháliková, Martin Friák, David Holec, Nikola Koutná, and Mojmír Šob
16:00 |
45 min. break
16:45 |
MM 39.5 |
Atomic force microscopy based electrical characterization of multiphase intermetallic TiAl alloys — •Markus Kratzer, Michael Huszar, Lisa Tengg, Helmut Clemens, Svea Mayer und Christian Teichert
17:00 |
MM 39.6 |
Magneto-crystalline anisotropy and magnetostriction of Fe2Ti — •Agnieszka L. Kozub, Alexander B. Shick, and Dominik Legut
17:15 |
MM 39.7 |
A quantum-mechanical study of thermodynamic and mechanical stability of Heusler-based Fe2AlCo polymorphs — •Martin Friák, Sabina Oweisová, Jana Pavlů, David Holec, and Mojmír Šob
17:30 |
MM 39.8 |
The surface and interface structures in nanofiber-reinforced ceramic matrix composites — •Yanhui Zhang and Stefano Sanvito