15:00 |
O 10.1 |
Interaction between a metallic STM tip and a single CO molecule adsorbed on a copper surface — •Norio Okabayashi, Angelo Peronio, Sonia Matencio, Ferdinand Huber, Thomas Frederiksen, Magnus Paulsson, and Franz J. Giessibl
15:15 |
O 10.2 |
DFT-based forces on a CO tip approaching Fe, Cu, Si adatoms on Cu(111) in an atomic force microscope — •Svitlana Polesya, Sergiy Mankovsky, Ferdinand Huber, Franz Giessibl, and Hubert Ebert
15:30 |
O 10.3 |
In-situ characterization of O-terminated copper tips for high-resolution atomic force microscopy — •Alexander Liebig and Franz. J. Giessibl
15:45 |
O 10.4 |
Vibrational lifetime of a single adsorbed molecule from IETS with superconductive tips — •Angelo Peronio, Marco Weiß, and Franz J. Giessibl
16:00 |
O 10.5 |
Single molecule nanotribology: understanding friction and adhesion at a single molecule level. — •J.G. Vilhena, Remy Pawlak, and Ernst Meyer
16:15 |
O 10.6 |
Sensing in-plane and out-of-plane nanomechanical Surface and Subsurface Properties of Polymers — •Anna Lisa Hawlitschek and Christian Dietz
16:30 |
O 10.7 |
Soft x-ray RIXS-Imaging of thin microstructured VO2 — •Jan Oliver Schunck, Florian Döring, Benedikt Rösner, Jens Buck, Sanjoy Mahatha, Moritz Hoesch, Christian Schüßler-Langeheine, Adrian Petraru, Hermann Kohlstedt, Kai Rossnagel, Christian David, and Martin Beye
16:45 |
O 10.8 |
Using X-Ray Cavities for the Enhancement of RIXS Signal Levels — •Robin Yoël Engel, Lars Bocklage, Simo Huotari, Hasan Yavas, Marco Moretti Sala, Piter Miedama, Gyoergy Vanko, Ralf Röhlsberger, and Martin Beye
17:00 |
O 10.9 |
Three-dimensional atomic image reconstruction by means of high kinetic energy electron holography — •Christopher Kohlmann, Matthias Gianfelice, Gert Nolze, Lukas Kesper, Richard Hönig, and Carsten Westphal
17:15 |
O 10.10 |
Total Reflection High-Energy Positron Diffractometer at NEPOMUC — •Matthias Dodenhöft, Artur Elovskii, Sebastian Vohburger, and Christoph Hugenschmidt
17:30 |
O 10.11 |
Graphene-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of CoOEP molecules — •Simon Rauls, Stephan Sleziona, Tobias Foller, Leonhard Christen, Phillip Ernst und Marika Schleberger
17:45 |
O 10.12 |
Probing atomic site-specific electronic and catalytic properties of bimetallic surfaces by tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy — •Jinhui Zhong, Hai-Sheng Su, Xi Jin, Xia-Guang Zhang, De-Yin Wu, and Bin Ren