Regensburg 2019 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 18: Poster Monday: Nanostructures
O 18.5: Poster
Montag, 1. April 2019, 17:45–20:00, Poster F
Multi-pulse excitation of one-dimensional nanowires at surfaces — •Nils Häußer, Jan Gerrit Horstmann, Hannes Böckmann, and Claus Ropers — IV. Physical Institute, University of Göttingen, Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1, Germany
Steering the making and breaking of bonds in solid-state phase transitions by intense light fields is one of the ultimate goals of ultrafast condensed matter physics. Multi-pulse [1] and resonant [2] optical excitation schemes promise coherent control over structural phase transitions in solids and at surfaces on their inherent time scale. Here, we explore the potential of multi-pulse excitation for inducing and controlling structural phase transitions in low-dimensional materials. Starting with a two-pulse scheme, we investigate and control the structural phase transition in In-nanowires on Si(111) [3]. We find that the transition is governed by the dynamics of only two structural modes, making indium on silicon a model system to study the feasibility of more complex and tailored excitation schemes.
[1] A. M. Weiner et al., Science 247, 1317-1319 (1990). [2] M. Rini et al., Nature 449, 72-74 (2007). [3] T. Frigge et al., Nature 544, 207-211 (2017).