09:30 |
O 2.1 |
Magneto-Seebeck Tunneling on the Atomic Scale — Cody Friesen, •Hermann Osterhage, Johannes Friedlein, Anika Schlenhoff, Roland Wiesendanger, and Stefan Krause
09:45 |
O 2.2 |
Tunable spin-superconductor coupling of spin 1/2 molecules — •Luigi Malavolti, Matteo Briganti, Max Hänze, Giulia Serrano, Irene Cimatti, Gregory McMurtie, Edwige Otero, Philippe Ohresser, Federico Totti, Matteo Mannini, Roberta Sessoli, and Sebastian Loth
10:00 |
O 2.3 |
Reduced magnetic moment in polycrystalline Co thin films — •Sabine Pütter, Amir Syed Mohd, Artur Glavic, Stefan Mattauch, and Thomas Brückel
10:15 |
O 2.4 |
Investigation of the structural and magnetic properties of self-organized MnO2 chains on Pt(001) — •Chong-Heeon Park, Martin Schmitt, Matthias Vogt, and Matthias Bode
10:30 |
O 2.5 |
Coexistence of RW-AFM and 3Q state in the Mn/Re(0001) monolayer investigated with SP-STM — •Jonas Spethmann, Jonas Sassmannshausen, André Kubetzka, Roland Wiesendanger, and Kirsten von Bergmann
10:45 |
O 2.6 |
Zero field sub-10 nm skyrmions and antiskyrmions in ultrathin Co films — •Sebastian Meyer, Stephan von Malottki, Marco Perini, André Kubetzka, Roland Wiesendanger, Kirsten von Bergmann, and Stefan Heinze
11:00 |
O 2.7 |
Scanning Seebeck Tunneling Microscopy — Cody Friesen, Hermann Osterhage, Johannes Friedlein, Anika Schlenhoff, Roland Wiesendanger, and •Stefan Krause
11:15 |
15 min. break
11:30 |
O 2.8 |
Ab initio simulations of 2D-materials interacting with magnetic clusters and surfaces — •Nicolae Atodiresei, Vasile Caciuc, and Stefan Blügel
11:45 |
O 2.9 |
Electronic and magnetic structure of monolayer and double layer GdFe/W(100) surface alloy — •Vikas Kashid, Gustav Bihlmayer, and Stefan Blügel
12:00 |
O 2.10 |
Nonlocal electron correlations in an itinerant ferromagnet — •Christian Tusche, Martin Ellguth, Vitaliy Feyer, Alexander Krasyuk, Carsten Wiemann, Jürgen Henk, Claus M. Schneider, and Jürgen Kirschner
12:15 |
O 2.11 |
Magnetic coupling of ferromagnetic SrRuO3 epitaxial layers separated by ultrathin spacers with large spin-orbit coupling — •Lena Wysocki, Michael Ziese, Lin Yang, Jörg Schöpf, Rolf Versteeg, András Kovács, Lei Jin, Felix Gunkel, Regina Dittmann, Paul H.M. van Loosdrecht, and Ionela Lindfors-Vrejoiu
12:30 |
O 2.12 |
Charge-transfer driven ferromagnetism in a disordered three-dimensional 3d-5d spin system — •Philipp Komissinskiy, Supratik Dasgupta, Ilya Radulov, Andrei Rogalev, Fabrice Wilhelm, Marton Major, and Lambert Alff
12:45 |
O 2.13 |
Thickness independent magnetism of the magnetic MAX phase films (Cr0.5Mn0.5)2GaC — •Iuliia P. Novoselova, Andrejs Petruhins, Ulf Wiedwald, Johanna Rosen, Michael Farle, and Ruslan Salikhov
13:00 |
O 2.14 |
The polar distortion and its relation to magnetic order in multiferroic HoMnO3 — •Nazaret Ortiz, Yoav William Windsor, Jose Renato Linares Mardegan, Christof Schneider, Gareth Nisbet, and Urs Staub