Regensburg 2019 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 2: Surface Magnetism and Magnetic Coupling Phenomena (joint session MA/O/TT)
O 2.5: Vortrag
Montag, 1. April 2019, 10:30–10:45, H53
Coexistence of RW-AFM and 3Q state in the Mn/Re(0001) monolayer investigated with SP-STM — •Jonas Spethmann, Jonas Sassmannshausen, André Kubetzka, Roland Wiesendanger, and Kirsten von Bergmann — Institut für Nanostruktur- und Festkörperphysik, Hamburg
Exciting new physics is predicted to arise at the interface of non-collinear magnetic and superconducting materials. In order to study this subject, promising model systems need to be found. Therefore, we investigated the growth and the magnetism of a monolayer of Mn on Re(0001) using spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy.
Re becomes superconducting below a critical temperature of 1.69 K, which is a temperature well accessible with modern cryogenics. Mn typically prefers an antiferromagnetic order. If it is forced into a hexagonal atomic lattice, like the (0001) surface of Re, complex magnetic structures might arise due to geometric frustration. Furthermore, it is known that differently stacked monolayers of the same material can show different magnetic ground states. By adding Co to the Re surface prior to the Mn deposition, we managed to grow the Mn in two different stackings. We show that the fcc stacking exhibits a row-wise antiferromagnetic state with three symmetry-equivalent rotational domains. The hcp-stacked area shows a magnetic texture that is compatible with a so-called 3Q state [1], which is a non-collinear state with four spins in the unit cell that have an angle of 109.4° between each other.
[1] Ph. Kurz, G. Bihlmayer, K. Hirai, and S. Blügel. Phys. Rev. Lett., 86:1106-1109, Feb 2001.