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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 21: Poster Monday: Plasmonics and Nanooptics
O 21.1: Poster
Montag, 1. April 2019, 17:45–20:00, Poster F
Comparing resonance tuning of infrared rod and slit antennas enabled by phase-change materials — •Lukas Voelkel, Achim Strauch, Andreas F. Hessler, Matthias Wuttig, and Thomas Taubner — Institute of Physics (IA) RWTH Aachen
Phase-change materials (PCMs) have been shown to be a useful tool to provide metasurfaces with an active functionality. Since they generally have large optical contrasts between their metastable amorphous and crystalline phases, a change in the phase of a thin film of PCM greatly influences the optical response of a metasurface [1]. This phase-change can be controlled very locally around individual nanostructures with a focussed pulsed laser by either using long, low-energy or short, high-energy pulses for crystallization or amorphization, respectively [2].
In our work, we investigate the switching of nanostructures with PCM Ge3Sb2Te6. Because rod and slit antennas response to excitation with completely different near-field distributions, we compare their switching behavior and further demonstrate continuous tuning of the resonance frequency of the nanostructures.
A complete understanding of the switching process of the PCM is the basis for an efficient design of versatile metasurfaces suitable for nanophotonic applications.
[1] M. Wuttig et al., Nat. Photon. 11, 465 (2017)
[2] P. Li et al., Nat. Mater. 15, 870 (2016)