10:30 |
O 27.1 |
Surface characterization of single-crystalline La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 films — •Michele Riva, Giada Franceschi, Michael Schmid, and Ulrike Diebold
10:45 |
O 27.2 |
The surface phase diagram of strontium-lanthanum manganite in STM — •Giada Franceschi, Michele Riva, Michael Schmid, and Ulrike Diebold
11:00 |
O 27.3 |
Atomically-resolved AFM study of the bulk-terminated SrTiO3 (001) 1x1 surface — •Igor Sokolović, Michael Schmid, Ulrike Diebold, and Martin Setvin
11:15 |
O 27.4 |
Plasma assisted cleaning and homoepitaxial growth of β−Ga2O3. — •Nicolas Braud, Felix Feske, Thomas Schmidt, and Jens Falta
11:30 |
O 27.5 |
Cationic mixing in metal-supported oxide ultra-thin films: interplay of intrinsic and substrate-induced effects — •Jacek Goniakowski and Claudine Noguera
12:00 |
O 27.6 |
identification of two-dimensional FeO2 termination of hematite α−Fe2O3(0001) surface — •Jesús Redondo, Petr Lazr, Pavel Procházka, Stanislav Průša, Jan Lachnitt, Benjamín Mallada, Aleš Cahlík, Jan Berger, Břetislav Šmíd, Pavel Jelínek, Jan Čechal, and Martin Švec
12:15 |
O 27.7 |
Surface structure of Ti-doped Hematite α-Fe2O3 films grown by pulsed laser deposition — •Florian Kraushofer, Giada Franceschi, Zdenek Jakub, Magdalena Bichler, Michele Riva, Michael Schmid, Ulrike Diebold, Peter Blaha, and Gareth S. Parkinson
12:30 |
O 27.8 |
In-situ growth study of Fe3O4/NiO bilayer and NiFe2O4 films using surface sensitive high energy x-ray diffraction — •Martin Hoppe, Tobias Pohlmann, Florian Bertram, Jannis Thien, Kevin Ruwisch, and Joachim Wollschläger
12:45 |
O 27.9 |
Iron cation diffusion in the near-surface region of Fe3O4 (001) — •Steffen Tober, Marcus Creutzburg, Björn Arndt, Konstantin Krausert, Stefan Mattauch, Sabine Pütter, Amir S. Mohd, Alexandros Koutsioubas, Lukas Volgger, Herbert Hutter, Heshmat Noei, Vedran Vonk, Dieter Lott, and Andreas Stierle