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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 3: New Methods and Developments I: Scanning Probe Techniques
O 3.11: Vortrag
Montag, 1. April 2019, 13:00–13:15, H5
The steep slope to high-resolution MRFM — •Marc-Dominik Krass, Urs Grob, Raphael Pachlatko, Martin Héritier, Jan Rhensius, Alexander Eichler, and Christian Degen — Spin Physics and Imaging, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
The goal of nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging (NanoMRI) is the 3D visualization of nuclear spin densities inside objects with near-atomic spatial resolution. One promising candidate for NanoMRI is magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM) which employs an ultrasensitive nanomechanical transducer to detect the interaction between nuclear spins and a magnetic field gradient [1]. In recent years, researchers have greatly improved the sensitivity of mechanical transduction [2]. At the same time, other aspects of high-resolution MRFM received little attention, even though they are just as critical.
We identify and analyze fundamental limitations of MRFM resolution and present stringent solutions to them. In particular, we shine light on the role of spin inversion pulses in the presence of thermomechanical motion, cantilever bending, and scanning stage stability. Our work should establish a recipe for subnanometer-resolution MRFM. As a result of our efforts, we demonstrate line scans with a 1D resolution below 2 nm, with a sensitivity corresponding to about 3000 protons.
[1] Christian Degen, et al., Nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging, PNAS 106, 1313 (2009). [2] William Rose, et al., High-Resolution Nanoscale Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. X 8, 011030 (2018).