Regensburg 2019 – scientific programme
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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 47: Poster Tuesday: Scanning Probe Techniques
O 47.5: Poster
Tuesday, April 2, 2019, 18:00–20:00, Poster D
Optimization of the energy resolution and RF capability of a 30 mK dilution refrigerator scanning tunneling microscope — •Manuel Steinbrecher1, Henning von Allwörden1, Andreas Eich1, Jan Gerritsen1, Fabian D. Natterer2, Daniel Wegner1, and Alexander A. Khajetoorians1 — 1IMM, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands — 2University of Zurich, Switzerland
For a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) operated with a metallic tip the energy resolution of the spectroscopic measurements typically is given by the effective temperature of the tunneling electrons, namely 3.5kBT. However, for temperatures below ≈ 100 mK, contributions like the electromagnetic noise inside the system and capacitive noise become more dominant [1-2].
We use a home-made dilution refrigerator (T = 30 mK) based STM [3], with a vector magnet established in Nijmegen to test the energy resolution of our setup. We report on superconducting measurements of Al-Al junctions. We perform measurements in different tunneling regimes and with a variety of tips, testing both tip diameters and materials and report on their significance. In this course, the system was upgraded to RF capability for electron spin resonance (ESR) experiments [4]. Results and performance will be shown for a dilution fridge STM for the first time.
[1]D. Vion et al.,JoAP 77, 2519 (1995)
C. R. Ast et al., Nat. Commun. 7:13009 (2016)
H. v. Allwörden et al., RSI 89, 033902 (2018)
S. Baumann et al., Science 350, 417-420 (2015)