
Regensburg 2019 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 52: Focus Session: Electron-Phonon Interactions I

O 52.2: Vortrag

Mittwoch, 3. April 2019, 11:00–11:15, H15

Electron-phonon coupling in laser-induced nonequilibrium states of solidsTobias Held1, Sebastian T. Weber1, Isabel Klett1, Jan Vorberger2, and •Baerbel Rethfeld11Fachbereich Physik und Landesforschungszentrum OPTIMAS, TU Kaiserslautern, 67663 Kaiserslautern — 2Institut für Strahlenphysik, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V., 01328 Dresden

Ultrafast laser pulses heat electrons in solids to highly nonequilibrium distributions. The subsequent energy transfer to the lattice induce nonequilibrium distributions in the phonon system as well. We analyse, how these nonequilibrium states influence the electron-phonon energy transfer as compared to the standard two-temperature model.

Motivated by a nonthermal lattice model [1], we determine the energy transfer from the hot electrons to different phonon modes. The partial Eliashberg functions are obtained with DFT methods, while the relaxation dynamics is traced with help of Boltzmann collision integrals. We also evaluate phonon-phonon scattering terms and examine the phonon relaxation and its influence on the electron-phonon energy transfer [2]. Finally, we show that the electron-phonon scattering can induce a secondary nonequilibrium state in the electron distribution persisting on the timescale of lattice heating [3].

L. Waldecker, R. Bertoni, R. Ernstorfer, J. Vorberger,
PRX 6, 021003 (2016).
I. Klett and B. Rethfeld, PRB 98, 144306 (2018).
S.T. Weber and B. Rethfeld, arXiv:1801.06560 (2018).

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2019 > Regensburg