
Regensburg 2019 – scientific programme

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 56: Plasmonics & Nanooptics IV: Materials Science and Chemistry Applications (joint session O/CPP)

O 56.1: Talk

Wednesday, April 3, 2019, 15:00–15:15, H8

Switching between sharp Mie and broad plasmonic resonances in phase-change material metasurfaces — •Sophia Wahl, Andreas Hessler, Matthias Wuttig, and Thomas Taubner — Institute of Physics (IA) RWTH Aachen

Active metasurfaces (MSs) based on phase-change materials (PCMs) enable versatile compact optics like tunable metalenses [1]. PCMs can be rapidly and reversible switched between their amorphous and crystalline phases which is accompanied by a pronounced non-volatile change in their optical properties [2]. Commonly, PCMs integrated in MSs feature a large change in their positive permittivity.

We present how the phase-change material In3SbTe2 (IST) can be used to switch resonators in an infrared (IR) MS between sharp Mie resonances and broad plasmonic resonances. In the IR, the permittivity of IST changes from positive to negative upon crystallization, effectively switching from dielectric to metallic. We demonstrate how this can be used to dramatically change the resonance width and the resonance frequency of IR resonators.

Our work opens up new design concepts for applications like active spectral filters and absorbers, because it could provide tunable bandwidth and operation frequency at the same time.
[1] X. Yin et al., Light: Science & Applications 6, e17016 (2017)
[2] M. Wuttig et al., Nano Photon. 11, 465 (2017)

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