
Regensburg 2019 – scientific programme

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 64: Poster Wednesday: Plasmonics and Nanooptics

O 64.7: Poster

Wednesday, April 3, 2019, 17:45–20:00, Poster B1

Phase-resolved detection of strong terahertz nearfields — •Moritz Heindl and Georg Herink — Experimental Physics VIII, University of Bayreuth, Germany

Table-top schemes to generate ultrafast radiation in the terahertz spectral range enable access to strong sub-picosecond field transients at increasingly high repetition rates. This opens up novel schemes for ultrafast probing and control of quantum systems. Nanostructures, e.g., micro-antennas and micro-slits, can further enhance the electric fields by orders of magnitude. The exact knowledge of the absolute local field strengths is highly desirable and has been realized with electron nearfield streaking [1], electron microscopy [2] and electro-optical sampling [3]. Here, we present an all-optical widefield approach to detect the absolute values of the THz electric fields on a subwavelength scale. This provides a defined platform to study THz field-driven dynamics in complex nanostructures.

L. Wimmer et al., "Terahertz control of nanotip photoemission", Nature Physics 10, 432 (2014)
A. Ryabov et al., "Electron microscopy of electromagnetic waveforms", Science 353, 374 (2016)
F. Blanchard et al., "Improving time and space resolution in electro-optic sampling for near-field terahertz imaging", Opt. Lett. 41, 4645 (2016)

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