17:45 |
O 65.1 |
Polymorphic expressions of ultrathin oxidic layers of Mo on Au(111) — Taehun Lee, Yun-Jae Lee, Krisztián Palotás, Giyeok Lee, Catherine Stampfl, and •Aloysius Soon
17:45 |
O 65.2 |
Structural investigation of strain induced effects in a Dy-Ag surface alloy — •Sina Mousavion, Johannes Seidel, Lu Lyu, Maniraj Mahalingam, Benjamin Stadtmüller, and Martin Aeschlimann
17:45 |
O 65.3 |
Two-dimensional CuI on Cu(111): A first-principles investigation — •Giyeok Lee, Taehun Lee, Jinho Lee, Krisztián Palotás, and Aloysius Soon
17:45 |
O 65.4 |
In-situ analysis of ultra-thin alkali metal films using optical transmission spectroscopy — •Hendrik Mathies Wrigge, Thomas Dziuba, Joerg Malindretos, Angela Rizzi, and Martin Wenderoth
17:45 |
O 65.5 |
Verkleinerung der mechanischen Spannungen im System <Aluminium-Anodenoxid des Aluminiums> — Basov Georgi und •Vladimir Schulgov
17:45 |
O 65.6 |
Growth studies of Fe3O4 on SrTiO3(001) by SPA-LEED — •Andreas Alexander, Jascha Bahlmann, and Joachim Wollschläger
17:45 |
O 65.7 |
Strain induced enhanced magnetization of ultrathin epitaxial NiFe2O4 films on SrTiO3(001) — •Jari Rodewald, Tabea Nordmann, and Joachim Wollschläger
17:45 |
O 65.8 |
Formation of cobalt ferrite by interdiffusion of CoO/Fe 3 O 4 bilayers — •Jannis Thien, Jascha Bahlmann, Andreas Alexander, and Joachim Wollschläger
17:45 |
O 65.9 |
N2 physisorption on the KCl(100) surface — •Jochen Vogt
17:45 |
O 65.10 |
From Fe3O4/NiO bilayers to NiFe2O4-like thin films through Ni interdiffusion — •Olga Kuschel, Ralph Buss, Timo Kuschel, Karsten Kuepper, and Joachim Wollschläger
17:45 |
O 65.11 |
Structures and energetics of surface steps of SiC — •Kaori Seino and Atsushi Oshiyama
17:45 |
O 65.12 |
SPA-LEED studies on the Sn/Ge(111) (3× 3) ↔ (√3×√3) Mott-insulator to metal phase transition — •Fabian Thiemann, Semih Özdemir, Christian Brand, Bernd Hafke, Tobias Witte, and Michael Horn-von Hoegen
17:45 |
O 65.13 |
2D Supramolecular Self-assembly of C8-BTBT on Cu(111) — •Sebastian Becker, Lu Lyu, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Sina Mousavion, Maniraj Mahalinam und Martin Aeschliemann
17:45 |
O 65.14 |
Influence of the sample preparation on hydrogen-induced surface reconstruction on Pd(110) — •Robert Schindhelm, Markus Leisegang, Jens Kügel, and Matthias Bode
17:45 |
O 65.15 |
Photoelectron holography -- an experimentalist's approach to computer calculated reconstructions — •Matthias Gianfelice, Christopher Kohlmann, and Carsten Westphal
17:45 |
O 65.16 |
Thermal motion slows down the In/Si(111)(8x2)-(4x1) phase transition — •Marvin Krenz, Uwe Gerstmann, and Wolf Gero Schmidt