
Regensburg 2019 – scientific programme

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 71: Poster Wednesday: Adsorption and Catalysis

O 71.7: Poster

Wednesday, April 3, 2019, 17:45–20:00, Poster B2

Anchoring strategies for a molecular gear on Au(111) — •Tim Kühne1,2, Frank Eisenhut1,2, Jorge Monsalve1,2, Claire Kammerer3, Gianaurelio Cuniberti1,2,4, and Francesca Moresco1,21Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden, TU Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany — 2Institute for Materials Science, TU Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany — 3CEMES, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, Toulouse, France — 4Dresden Center for Computational Materials Science (DCMS), TU Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany

A fundamental component of a planar single-molecule mechanical machine is a molecular gear, whose construction needs a proper combination of the molecular design, a smart selected surface for anchoring as well as the controlled rotation by manipulation. We investigated the adsorption of single pentaphenylcyclopentadiene molecules (PPCP) on Au(111) by LT-STM. We took advantage of the radical character after the tip-induced dehydrogenation of the single hydrogen at the cyclopentadiene core and studied the step-by-step rotation of this species using the lateral manipulation mode. As a last approach, we positioned PPCP on gold atoms and -clusters to examine the usage of these clusters as gear wheel axles.

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