Regensburg 2019 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 81: Gerhard Ertl Young Investigator Award
O 81.5: Hauptvortrag
Donnerstag, 4. April 2019, 12:30–13:00, H24
Batteries at Work: Towards Operando Photoelectron Spectroscopy on Lithium Ion Batteries — •Julia Maibach1,2, Ida Källquist3, Kristina Edström2, Håkan Rensmo3, Hans Siegbahn3, and Maria Hahlin3 — 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Applied Materials, Germany — 2Uppsala University, Department of Chemistry - Ångström Laboratory, Sweden — 3Uppsala University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Sweden
Almost 40 years after the first commercially available lithium ion battery, the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) is still considered one of the least understood parts in a lithium ion battery. While it is known that the SEI forms from decomposition products of the liquid battery electrolyte on the negative electrode, the exact formation mechanism and this results in the functionality of an electrode protection layer with Li ion conductivity are not yet fully understood. In this presentation, we will first discuss the challenges of SEI characterization and then present our approach to operando ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (AP-XPS) on lithium ion battery systems. This technique can provide the key tool that has been missing so far to probe the functionality of the electrode/electrolyte interface in more realistic battery environments. We will show our results of AP-XPS characterizations of liquid carbonate-based battery electrolytes, battery electrodes with the liquid electrolyte present, and how the electrochemical reactions of a battery can be driven and followed under the measurement conditions pertaining to photoelectron spectroscopy.