
Regensburg 2019 – scientific programme

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 82: Fundamentals of Catalysis II

O 82.10: Talk

Thursday, April 4, 2019, 17:15–17:30, H5

Near-Surface Doping of Rutile RuO2 for Optimizing the Oxygen Evolution Reaction — •Manuel J. Kolb1,2 and Frank Abild-Pedersen1,21SLAC National Laboratory, Stanford, USA — 2Stanford University, Stanford, USA

The electrochemical oxygen evolution reaction plays a fundamental role in the current limitations to the efficiency and viability of hydrogen-oxygen-based fuel cells. Recent experimental and theoretical work [1,2] on the pre-oxygen-evolution region of the RuO2(110) voltammogram found evidence for the existence of stable dioxygen species, in contrast to earlier theoretical calculations [3]. Based on this new information we investigated the possibilities of doping RuO2(110) with a variety of metal dopant atoms and their influence on the adsorption energies of these oxygen-related species.

[1] R. Rao et al, Energy & Environmental Science, 2017, 10, 2626-2637 [2] K. Stoerzinger et al, ACS Energy Lett., 2017, 2(4), 879-881 [3] I. Man et al, ChemCatChem, 2011, 3, 1159-1165

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