Mo, 12:30–13:00 |
H32 |
Preisträgervortrag: PRV I (joint session PRV/DS/VA): Absolute energy levels and interface energetics of halide perovskites — •Selina Olthof |
Mo, 13:15–13:45 |
H1 |
Preisträgervortrag: PRV II: Ultimate Rayleigh-Bénard and Taylor-Couette turbulence — •Detlef Lohse |
Di, 09:30–10:00 |
Kunsthalle |
Preisträgervortrag: PRV III (joint session PRV/ST): Exploring Gamma-detected Magnetic Resonance Imaging — •Robin Yoël Engel |
Di, 13:15–13:45 |
H1 |
Preisträgervortrag: PRV IV: Is room temperature magnetism possible without d or f electrons? — •Michael Coey |
Mi, 13:15–13:45 |
H1 |
Preisträgervortrag: PRV V: Heat radiation at the nanoscale - Planck law and Stefan-Boltzmann law reloaded — •Svend-Age Biehs |
Do, 13:15–13:45 |
H1 |
Preisträgervortrag: PRV VI: Spin, charge, and orbital reconstructions in complex oxide heterostructures — •Eva Benckiser |