So, 18:30–21:00 |
Mensa |
S 1: Welcome Evening |
Mo, 09:00–19:00 |
H1 |
S 2: “Role models”-Exhibition |
Mo, 20:00–21:00 |
H1 |
S 3: EinsteinSlam |
Di, 09:00–19:00 |
H1 |
S 4: “Role models”-Exhibition |
Di, 10:00–18:00 |
H1 |
S 5: Exhibition of Physical Equipment and Literature |
Di, 12:00–15:30 |
Kunsthalle |
S 6: Job Market |
Di, 16:00–18:00 |
H1 |
S 7: Special Plenary Session with Award Ceremony (in German language) |
Mi, 09:00–19:00 |
H1 |
S 8: “Role models”-Exhibition |
Mi, 10:00–18:00 |
H1 |
S 9: Exhibition of Physical Equipment and Literature |
Mi, 12:00–13:00 |
in front of H2 upper exit |
S 10: Women in Physics Lunch |
Mi, 12:00–15:30 |
Kunsthalle |
S 11: Job Market |
Do, 10:00–19:00 |
Donaueinkaufszentrum |
S 12: Physik hautnah |
Do, 09:00–19:00 |
H1 |
S 13: “Role models”-Exhibition |
Do, 10:00–18:00 |
H1 |
S 14: Exhibition of Physical Equipment and Literature |
Do, 12:00–15:30 |
Kunsthalle |
S 15: Job Market |
Fr, 10:00–19:00 |
Donaueinkaufszentrum |
S 16: Physik hautnah |
Fr, 12:00–13:00 |
Kunsthalle |
S 17: Job Market |
Sa, 10:00–19:00 |
Donaueinkaufszentrum |
S 18: Physik hautnah |