15:00 |
TT 63.1 |
Metallic Magnetic Calorimeters for high resolution X-ray Spectroscopy — •S. Allgeier, M. Friedrich, J. Geist, D. Hengstler, C. Schötz, S. Kempf, L. Gastaldo, A. Fleischmann, C. Enss, S. Trotsenko, T. Morgenroth, M.O. Herdrich, G. Weber, G. Märtin, Th. Stöhlker, G.A. Kazakov, S.P. Stellmer, and T. Schumm
15:00 |
TT 63.2 |
Development of the First Prototype of an MMC-Based Detector for Light Dark Matter Direct Detection — •Arnulf Barth, Klaus Eitel, Christian Enss, Andreas Fleischmann, Loredana Gastaldo, Sebastian Kempf, Bernhard Siebenborn, and Marc Weber
15:00 |
TT 63.3 |
Development of MMC based combined photon and phonon detector for rare event searches — •Freerik Forndran, Felix Ahrens, Christian Enss, Andreas Fleischmann, Loredana Gastaldo, Sebastian Kempf, Yong-Hamb Kim, Daniel Unger, and Clemens Velte
15:00 |
TT 63.4 |
Low Temperature MMC Detector Arrays for the IAXO — •Daniel Unger, Christian Enss, Andreas Fleischmann, Lisa Gamer, Loredana Gastaldo, Daniel Hengstler, Sebastian Kempf, and Dennis Schulz for the iaxo collaboration
15:00 |
TT 63.5 |
CryoGenX - A High-resolution Spectrometer for Advanced Nuclide Analysis — •Kevin Phelan, Andreas Fleischmann, Matthias Bühler, Theo Hertrich, and Michael Huber
15:00 |
TT 63.6 |
MOCCA: a 4k-pixel molecule camera for the position and energy resolved detection of neutral molecule fragments — •Dennis Schulz, Steffen Allgeier, Christian Enss, Andreas Fleischmann, Lisa Gamer, Loredana Gastaldo, Julia Hauer, Sebastian Kempf, Sebastian Spaniol, Oldřich Novotný, and Andreas Wolf
15:00 |
TT 63.7 |
Measurement of low energy electron capture spectra to test the impact of high order processes — •Tobias Schmitt and Martin Brass for the ECHo-Collaboration
15:00 |
TT 63.8 |
Superconducting GHz Resonators for Microwave SQUID Multiplexing of Metallic Magnetic Calorimeters — •Felix Ahrens, Mathias Wegner, Patrick Paluch, Andreas Fleischmann, Christian Enss, and Sebastian Kempf
15:00 |
TT 63.9 |
Effect of different host material for implantation of Ho-163 in metallic magnetic calorimeters — Martin Neidig, Benjamin Raach, Christian Enss, Andreas Fleischmann, •Loredana Gastaldo, Sebastian Velte, Federica Mantegazzini, and Clemens Velte
15:00 |
TT 63.10 |
Specific Heat of Dilute Alloys of Holmium in Noble Metals at Low Temperatures — •Matthew Herbst, Clemens Velte, Andreas Reifenberger, Federica Mantegazzini, Andreas Fleischmann, Loredana Gastaldo, Andreas Reiser, Sebastian Kempf, and Christian Enss
15:00 |
TT 63.11 |
A versatile demagnetization refrigerator — •Alexander Regnat, Jan Spallek, Christopher Duvinage, Klaus Eibensteiner, Nico Huber, Carolina Burger, Anh Tong und Christian Pfleiderer
15:00 |
TT 63.12 |
Pulse Tube Cryocoolers: Solutions for "Dry" Cooling of Low Noise Applications at 4 K — •Jens Falter, Bernd Schmidt, Jack Schmidt, André Schirmeisen, and Günter Thummes
15:00 |
TT 63.13 |
Towards an opto-electronical setup for milli-Kelvin temperature experiments on single quantum emitters — •Marcel Schrodin, Philip Schneider, Christoph Sürgers, and Wolfgang Wernsdorfer