
Regensburg 2019 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 1117 118 119 120 121437

Mi, 17:45 DY 36.10 Free Energy Landscape of Phase Transitions Investigated by Enhanced Sampling over Degenerate Collective Variables — •Bin Song, Kurt Kremer, and Omar Valsson
Mi, 18:00 DY 36.11 Efficient Equilibration of Hard Particles with Collective Moves – A Comparison of Computational Methods — •Marco Klement and Michael Engel
Mi, 18:15 DY 36.12 The temperature dependence of the mechanical unfolding of a supramolecular complex studied by molecular simulationsTakashi Kato, Ken Schäfer, Stefan Jaschonek, and •Gregor Diezemann
Mi, 15:30 DY 37.1 Resonance eigenfunctions in systems with partial escape — •Konstantin Clauß, Eduardo Altmann, Arnd Bäcker, and Roland Ketzmerick
Mi, 15:45 DY 37.2 Towards universal Hong-Ou-Mandel correlations in topological insulators — •Andreas Bereczuk, Juan Diego Urbina, Cosimo Gorini, and Klaus Richter
Mi, 16:00 DY 37.3 Transport timescales in mixed phase space systems — •George Datseris, Lukas Hupe, Theo Geisel, and Ragnar Fleischmann
Mi, 16:15 DY 37.4 Analytical Fresnel laws at convex and concave non-planar interfaces from a transfer matrix approach — •Sebastian Luhn and Martina Hentschel
Mi, 16:30 DY 37.5 Resonance--Assisted Tunneling in Deformed Optical Microdisks with a Mixed Phase Space — •Felix Fritzsch, Roland Ketzmerick, and Arnd Bäcker
Mi, 16:45 DY 37.6 Motional narrowing in microwave graphs — •Tobias Hofmann, Aimaiti Rehemanjiang, Ulrich Kuhl, and Hans-Jürgen Stöckmann
Mi, 15:30 DY 38.1 Orientational ordering and collective motion in (semi-)dilute suspensions of active microswimmersChristian Hoell, Giorgio Pessot, Hartmut Löwen, and •Andreas M. Menzel

4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 1117 118 119 120 121437

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2019 > Regensburg