
Regensburg 2019 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 1141 142 143 144 145437

Mo, 15:15 HL 10.2 Optimization of the Dispersive Readout of a Spin Qubit — •Benjamin D'Anjou and Guido Burkard
Mo, 15:30 HL 10.3 Entangling distant single electron spin qubits via circuit quantum electrodynamics — •Mónica Benito and Guido Burkard
Mo, 15:45 HL 10.4 Polytypism induced sign reversal in zero-field splitting of silicon vacancies in 6H-SiC — •Victor Soltamov, Vladimir Dyakonov, Timur Biktagirov, Wolf Gero Schmidt, Uwe Gerstmann, Boris Yavkin, Sergei Orlinskii, and Pavel Baranov
Mo, 16:15 HL 10.5 Cavity quantum electrodynamics with spin and valley — •Christoph Adelsberger, Monica Benito, and Guido Burkard
Mo, 16:30 HL 10.6 Ultrafast electric phase control of a quantum dot exciton — •Alex Widhalm, Amlan Mukherjee, Sebastian Krehs, Björn Jonas, Nandlal Sharma, Peter Kölling, Andreas Thiede, Jens Förstner, Dirk Reuter, and Artur Zrenner
Mo, 16:45 HL 10.7 Optimal choice of state tomography quorum formed by projection operatorsVioleta N. Ivanova-Rohling and •Niklas Rohling
Mo, 17:00 HL 10.8 Spin exchange in quantum dot arrays — •Ferdinand Kuemmeth
Mo, 17:30 HL 12.1 Charge transport in bottom-up synthesized graphene nanoribbon networksAlexander Tries, •Leo Schnitzspan, Nils Richter, Zongping Chen, Kamal Asadi, Akimitsu Narita, Klaus Müllen, and Mathias Kläui
Mo, 17:30 HL 12.2 Defect-induced photoluminescence of WS2 monolayers — •Aswin Asaithambi, Roland Kozubek, Guenther Prinz, Francesso Reale, Cecelia Mattevi, Marika Schleberger, and Axel Lorke
Mo, 17:30 HL 12.3 Probing long-lived spin polarization in n-doped MoSe2 monolayers. — •Michael Kempf, Markus Schwemmer, Philipp Nagler, Andreas Hanninger, Christian Schüller, and Tobias Korn

4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 1141 142 143 144 145437

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2019 > Regensburg