
Regensburg 2019 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 1182 183 184 185 186437

Do, 18:30 HL 45.67 Reduction reflection for silicon wafer with maskless plasma etching by CHF3 and H2 — •Alena Okhorzina, Jens Hirsch, and Norbert Bernhard
Fr, 09:30 HL 46.1 Ultrafast x-ray scattering from laser-driven electronic systems — •Darya Gorelova, David A. Reis, and Robin Santra
Fr, 09:45 HL 46.2 Transient birefringence and dichroism of ZnO studied by femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopic ellipsometry — •Oliver Herrfurth, Steffen Richter, Mateusz Rȩbarz, Shirly Espinoza, Joshua A. Leveillee, André Schleife, Jakob Andreasson, Marius Grundmann, and Rüdiger Schmidt-Grund
Fr, 10:00 HL 46.3 Diffuse scattering in a laser controlled state above the melting threshold — •Tobias Zier, Sabrina Schuster, Eeuwe S. Zijstra, and Martin E. Garcia
Fr, 10:15 HL 46.4 Transient absorption and population dynamics of laser-excited conjugated molecules from RT-TDDFT — •Jannis Krumland, Ana Valencia, Stefano Pittalis, Carlo Andrea Rozzi, and Caterina Cocchi
Fr, 10:30 HL 46.5 Externally Controlled Lotka-Volterra Dynamics in a Linearly Polarized Polariton Fluid — •Matthias Pukrop and Stefan Schumacher
Fr, 10:45 HL 46.6 Ultrafast coherent 2D fluorescence micro-spectroscopy
on semiconducting carbon nanotubes at room temperature
— •Matthias Nuß, Alexandru Badalan, Jan-Hagen Krohn, Kerstin Müller, Donghai Li, Friedrich Schöppler, Tobias Hertel, and Tobias Brixner
Fr, 11:30 HL 46.8 Ultrafast lattice dynamics in thin film black phosphorus — •Patrick-Nigel Hildebrandt, Daniela Zahn, Thomas Vasileiadis, Helene Seiler, Yingpeng Qi, and Ralph Ernstorfer
Fr, 11:45 HL 46.9 Ultrafast photo-induced spin polarized currents in nanostructers — •Michael Kraus, Dominik Schulze, Anna Dyrdal, and Jamal Berakdar
Fr, 12:00 HL 46.10 Modeling white light coherent 2D-spectroscopy on electrically pumped semiconductor nanostructures — •Aris Koulas-Simos, Mirco Kolarczik, Benjamin Lingnau, Bastian Herzog, Sophia Helmrich, Ulrike Woggon, Nina Owschimikow, and Kathy Lüdge

4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 1182 183 184 185 186437

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2019 > Regensburg