
Regensburg 2019 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 1260 261 262 263 264437

Di, 18:30 MM 20.10 Liquid-Infused Nanoporous Solids as Photonic MetamaterialsKathrin Sentker, Mark Busch, Andriy V. Kityk, and •Patrick Huber
Di, 18:30 MM 20.11 In situ TEM in Liquids Using a Si3Ni4 – Graphene Hybrid Cell Design — •Birk Fritsch, Andreas Hutzler, Michael P. M. Jank, Robert Branscheid, Erdmann Spiecker, and Martin März
Di, 18:30 MM 20.12 A new doping method for titanium oxide layers prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation — •Wolfram Gilbert, Mhamed El Achhab, and Klaus Schierbaum
Di, 18:30 MM 20.13 Porous titanium oxide produced by plasma electrolytic oxidation in DC operation mode and various electrolyte concentrations — •Bernd Engelkamp, Mhamed El Achhab, and Klaus Schierbaum
Di, 18:30 MM 20.14 Structural phase transitions in palladium hydrogen thin films: Mechanical stress impact on critical temperatures — •Stefan Wagner and Astrid Pundt
Di, 18:30 MM 20.15 Containment free in-situ analysis of gold nanorod growth using disposable 3D-printed experimental chambers — •Tobias Zech, Tilo Schmutzler, and Tobias Unruh
Di, 18:30 MM 20.16 Interaction of polyamide 6 with galvanised steel and the influence of surface pretreatments — •Philipp Moritz, Lisa Wurlitzer, Maria Sonnenberg, and Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs
Di, 18:30 MM 20.17 Measurements of mechanical properties and microstructure on thin Cu based alloys — •Christian Aaron Rigoni, Martin Peterlechner, Harald Rösner, and Gerhard Wilde
Di, 18:30 MM 20.18 Tailoring the Microstructure and Electrochemical Behavior of Li-Mn-O Thin Film Battery Electrodes — •Henry Müller, Yug Joshi, Efi Hadjixenophontos, Claudia Peter, and Guido Schmitz
Di, 18:30 MM 20.19 Tuning the Energetic Landscape of Mixed Dimensionality Perovskites — •Haralds Abolins and Felix Deschler

4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 1260 261 262 263 264437

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2019 > Regensburg