
Regensburg 2019 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 1297 298 299 300 301437

Di, 12:00 O 25.6 Elastic and lattice-dynamical properties of titanium-based compounds — •Peter Weber, Pasquale Pavone, and Claudia Draxl
Di, 12:15 O 25.7 Understanding the electron transport through NiSi2-Si interfacesFlorian Fuchs, •Sibylle Gemming, and Jörg Schuster
Di, 12:45 O 25.9 Discovering a novel nanometric cubic phase in monochalcogenide semiconductors - Theory meets experiment — •Guy Makov, Uri Argaman, Elad Segev, Ran Abutbul, and Yuval Golan
Di, 10:30 O 26.1 Hauptvortrag: Imaging Electronic Correlations in Twisted Bilayer Graphene — •Stevan Nadj-Perge
Di, 11:00 O 26.2 Hauptvortrag: Designing Electronic Quantum Matter: Fabrication and Characterization with Atomic Scale Precision — •Ingmar Swart
Di, 11:30 O 26.3 Characterisation of pure s- and p-orbital bands in electronic honeycomb lattices — •Thomas Gardenier, Jette van den Broeke, Ingmar Swart, Cristiane Morais Smith, and Daniel Vanmaekelbergh
Di, 11:45 O 26.4 Constructing a Topological Insulator Atom-by-Atom — •Saoirsé Freeney
Di, 12:00 O 26.5 Eu-doped NaI scintillators: Point defects and EuI2 sheets. — •Martin Setvin, Manuel Ulreich, Igor Sokolovic, Michele Reticcioli, Lynn Boatner, Flora Poelzleitner, Cesare Franchini, Michael Schmid, and Ulrike Diebold
Di, 12:15 O 26.6 Machine learning the 3D shape of non-planar molecules from AFM imagesProkop Hapala, Fedor Utirev, Niko Oinonen, Ondřej Krejčí, Filippo Federici Canova, Benjamin Alldritt, Juho Kannala, Peter Liljeroth, and •Adam Foster
Di, 12:30 O 26.7 Spectral Properties of the Herringbone latticeM. A. Jimenez Herrera, O. Dutta, A. Iniguez, G. Giedke, and •D. Bercioux

4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 1297 298 299 300 301437

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2019 > Regensburg