Regensburg 2019 – wissenschaftliches Programm
Bereiche | Tage | Auswahl | Suche | Aktualisierungen | Downloads | Hilfe
4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 1 … 374 375 376 377 378 … 437
Mo, 11:30 | TT 5.8 | Temperature dependence of quasiparticle states in superconducting monolayer FeSe on STO: a theoretical study — •Fabian Schrodi, Alex Aperis, and Peter Oppeneer | |
Mo, 11:45 | TT 5.9 | Cavity-enhanced electron-phonon coupling in monolayer FeSe/STO — •Michael Sentef, Michael Ruggenthaler, and Angel Rubio | |
Mo, 12:00 | TT 5.10 | Interplay of lattice, electronic, and spin degrees of freedom in detwinned BaFe2As2: A Raman scattering study — •Andreas Baum, Ying Li, Milan Tomić, Nenad Lazarević, Daniel Jost, Florian Löffler, Bernhard Muschler, Thomas Böhm, Jiun-Haw Chu, Ian R. Fisher, Roser Valentí, Igor I. Mazin, and Rudi Hackl | |
Mo, 12:15 | TT 5.11 | Unusual thermoelectric properties of BaFe2As2 in high magnetic fields — •Martina Meinero, Federico Caglieris, Gianrico Lamura, Ilaria Pallecchi, Andreas Jost, Uli Zeitler, Shigeyuki Ishida, Hiroshi Eisaki, and Marina Putti | |
Mo, 12:30 | TT 5.12 | Charge density wave instability in Ba(Ni1−xFex)2As2 probed by time-resolved optical spectroscopy. — •V. Yu. Grigorev, A. Mejas, T. Dong, Th. Wolf, A. A. Haghighirad, C. Meingast, M. Le Tacon, M. Merz, and J. Demsar | |
Mo, 12:45 | TT 5.13 | Nematic susceptibility in heavily hole-doped iron-based superconductors — •Xiaochen Hong, Saicharan Aswartham, Igor Morozov, Steffen Sykora, Federico Caglieris, Silvia Seiro, Bernd Büchner, and Christian Hess | |
Mo, 15:00 | TT 10.1 | Hauptvortrag: Quantum dynamics of a microwave resonator strongly coupled to a tunnel junction — •Jérôme Esteve | |
Mo, 15:30 | TT 10.2 | Hauptvortrag: Quantum optics with artificial atoms in an open space — •Oleg Astafiev | |
Mo, 16:00 | TT 10.3 | Hauptvortrag: Quantum microwaves with a DC-biased Josephson junction — Fabien Portier, Ambroise Peugeot, Chloé Rolland, Marc Westig, Gerbold Ménard, Yuri Mukharsky, Hélène le Sueur, Patrice Roche, Philippe Joyez, •Carles Altimiras, Patrice Bertet, Daniel Esteve, Denis Vion, Max Hofheinz, Pérola Milman, Bjoern Kubala, Simon Dambach, and Joachim Ankerhold | |
Mo, 16:45 | TT 10.4 | Hauptvortrag: Photodetectors and metamaterials for on-chip microwave photonics — •Frank K. Wilhelm-Mauch | |
4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 1 … 374 375 376 377 378 … 437