
Regensburg 2019 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 1378 379 380 381 382437

Mo, 18:30 TT 13.14 Thermal expansion studies on the spin-liquid candidate system κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Ag2(CN)3 — •S. Hartmann, E. Gati, Y. Yoshida, G. Saito, and M. Lang
Mo, 15:00 TT 14.1 The non-local hydrodynamic transport properties of graphene — •Egor Kiselev and Jörg Schmalian
Mo, 15:15 TT 14.2 Spin and Charge Transport in Doped Graphene — •Marie-Luise Braatz, Axel Binder, and Mathias Kläui
Mo, 15:30 TT 14.3 Transport through time dependent magnetic barriers in graphene — •Nico Leumer and Wolfgang Häusler
Mo, 15:45 TT 14.4 Spin-orbit coupled graphene pn-junction in a magnetic field — •D. Bercioux and A. De Martino
Mo, 16:00 TT 14.5 Thermoelectric efficiency in three-terminal graphene nano-junctionsZahra Sartipi, Amir Hayati, and •Javad Vahedi
Mo, 16:15 TT 14.6 Interatomic forces in current-carrying graphene nanojunctions — •Susanne Leitherer, Nick R. Papior, and Mads Brandbyge
Mo, 16:30 TT 14.7 Current splitter and valley polarizer in elastically deformed graphene — •Nikodem Szpak and Thomas Stegmann
Mo, 17:00 TT 14.8 Hauptvortrag: Gate-defined quantum point contacts and quantum dots in bilayer graphene — •Christoph Stampfer
Mo, 17:30 TT 14.9 Gap opening and quantum transport in a functionalized Bernal graphene bilayerAhmed Missaoui, Jouda J. Khabthani, Didier Mayou, and •Guy Trambly de Laissardiere

4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 1378 379 380 381 382437

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2019 > Regensburg