
Regensburg 2019 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 1 2 3 4 5 6437

Mo, 10:10 SYSD 1.3 Hauptvortrag: Beyond the molecular movie: Revealing the microscopic processes behind photo-induced phase transitions — •Chris W. Nicholson
Mo, 10:30 SYSD 1.4 Hauptvortrag: Thermodynamic bounds on current fluctuations — •Patrick Pietzonka
Mo, 10:50 SYSD 1.5 Hauptvortrag: Lightwave-driven quasiparticle acceleration — •Fabian Langer, Christoph P. Schmid, Stefan Schlauderer, Martin Gmitra, Jaroslav Fabian, Philipp Nagler, Christian Schüller, Tobias Korn, Peter G. Hawkins, Johannes T. Steiner, Ulrich Huttner, Stephan W. Koch, Mackillo Kira, and Rupert Huber
Mo, 11:10 SYSD 1.6 Hauptvortrag: Ultrafast plasmon-driven point-projection electron microscopy — •Jan Vogelsang, Germann Hergert, Andreas Wöste, Petra Groß, and Christoph Lienau
Mo, 11:30 SYSD 1.7 Hauptvortrag: Helimagnets, sand patterns and fingerprints linked by topology — •Peggy Schönherr
Do, 09:30 SYCZ 1.1 Hauptvortrag: Crystal symmetries and transport phenomena in antiferromagnets — •Tomas Jungwirth
Do, 10:00 SYCZ 1.2 Hauptvortrag: Terahertz subcycle charge and spin control — •Rupert Huber
Do, 10:30 SYCZ 1.3 Hauptvortrag: 1D molecular system on surfaces — •Pavel Jelinek
Do, 11:15 SYCZ 1.4 Hauptvortrag: Tunneling microscopy on insulators provides access to out-of-equilibrium charge statesLaerte L. Patera, Fabian Queck, Philipp Scheuerer, and •Jascha Repp
Do, 11:45 SYCZ 1.5 Hauptvortrag: Occam's razor and complex networks from brain to climate — •Jaroslav Hlinka

4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 1 2 3 4 5 6437

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2019 > Regensburg