
Regensburg 2019 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 138 39 40 41 42437

Do, 12:45 BP 24.12 The heat is on: Understanding germ granule segregation in C. elegans — •Anatol W. Fritsch, Matthäus Mittasch, Carsten Hoege, Frank Jülicher, Moritz Kreysing, and Anthony Hyman
Do, 15:00 BP 26.1 Hauptvortrag: Understanding molecular machines by single-molecule FRET — •Thorsten Hugel
Do, 15:30 BP 26.2 AFM-based Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy on the Streptavidin:Biotin Interaction — •Steffen M. Sedlak, Leonard C. Schendel, Katherine R. Erlich, Achim Löf, Rafael C. Bernardi, Magnus S. Bauer, Carleen Kluger, and Hermann E. Gaub
Do, 15:45 BP 26.3 Angstrom precision distance measurements in dynamic protein structures with single-molecule FRET — •Christian Gebhardt, Rebecca Mächtel, Niels Zijlstra, and Thorben Cordes
Do, 15:00 BP 27.1 Cell Adhesion as a Function of Hydrogel Layer Thickness: From Thin Layers to Bulk Samples — •Sandra Sindt, Galen Ream, and Christine Selhuber-Unkel
Do, 15:15 BP 27.2 Liquid-like protein condensates are glassy — •Louise Jawerth, Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich, Suropriya Saha, Anthony Hyman, and Frank Jülicher
Do, 15:30 BP 27.3 The Poisson ratio of the cellular actin cortex is frequency-dependentMarcel Mokbel, Kamran Hosseini, Sebastian Aland, and •Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich
Do, 15:45 BP 27.4 Hauptvortrag: 3D scaffolds as cell-instructive biomaterialsChristine Selhuber-Unkel and •Christine Arndt
Do, 16:15 BP 27.5 Effect of drug treatment on the formation of malaria pigment crystals — •Szilvia Mucza, Ana Strinic, Agnes Orban, Petra Molnar, Peter Furjes, Beata Vertessy G., and Istvan Kezsmarki
Do, 16:30 BP 27.6 Efficient hemozoin extraction from Plasmodium falciparum parasites — •Ana Strinic, Agnes Orban, Szilvia Mucza, Petra Molnar, Beáta Vértessy, Stephan Krohns, and Istvan Kezsmarki

4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 138 39 40 41 42437

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2019 > Regensburg