Regensburg 2019 – wissenschaftliches Programm
Bereiche | Tage | Auswahl | Suche | Aktualisierungen | Downloads | Hilfe
4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 1 … 401 402 403 404 405 … 437
Mi, 16:15 | TT 44.6 | Spektra: An Online Tool for Analytic Continuation — •Khaldoon Ghanem | |
Mi, 16:30 | TT 44.7 | Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of the chiral Heisenberg Gross-Neveu-Yukawa phase transition with a single Dirac cone — •Thomas C. Lang and Andreas M. Läuchli | |
Mi, 16:45 | TT 44.8 | Critical energy spectrum of the chiral Ising Gross-Neveu-Yukawa field theory on the torus — •Michael Schuler, Stephan Hesselmann, Thomas C. Lang, Stefan Wessel, and Andreas M. Läuchli | |
Mi, 17:15 | TT 44.9 | Learning multiple order parameters with interpretable machines — •Jonas Greitemann, Ke Liu, and Lode Pollet | |
Mi, 17:30 | TT 44.10 | Tensor network algorithms for simulating real quantum materials — •Augustine Kshetrimayum, Matteo Rizzi, Roman Orus, Bella Lake, and Jens Eisert | |
Mi, 17:45 | TT 44.11 | Quantum dynamics via universal quantum gates emulated with matrix product states — •Constantin Meyer, Sebastian Paeckel, Robert Schade, Salvatore R. Manmana, and Thomas Köhler | |
Mi, 18:00 | TT 44.12 | Simulations in 2D using isometric Projected Entangled Pair States — •Sheng-Hsuan Lin and Frank Pollmann | |
Mi, 18:15 | TT 44.13 | An fRG library for high performance computing — •Jannis Ehrlich, Daniel Rohe, and Carsten Honerkamp | |
Mi, 15:00 | TT 46.1 | Spectral and transport properties of superconducting quantum dots — •Vladislav Pokorný and Martin Žonda | |
Mi, 15:15 | TT 46.2 | Enhancing entanglement by spin manipulation in Cooper pair splitters — •Ciprian Padurariu, Jami Rönkkö, Michael V. Moskalets, and Christian Flindt | |
4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 1 … 401 402 403 404 405 … 437