
Regensburg 2019 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 192 93 94 95 96437

Mi, 09:30 DS 15.1 Hauptvortrag: 3D-Nanoprinting with Focused Electron Beams. Advances and Applications — •Robert Winkler, Jason D Fowlkes, Jürgen Sattelkow, Philip D Rack, and Harald Plank
Mi, 10:00 DS 15.2 Modeling FEBID frequency maps: Lateral deposit resolution and surface diffusion — •Jakub Jurczyk, Czeslaw Kapusta, and Ivo Utke
Mi, 10:15 DS 15.3 On the reduction of proximity effects by exploring (metal-) organic materials as substrates/resists for gas-assisted electron beam lithographyChrisatian Preischl, Elif Bilgilisoy, Florian Vollnhals, and •Hubertus Marbach
Mi, 10:30 DS 15.4 FEBIP on Self-Assembled-Monolayers and Carbon Nanomembranes — •Christian Preischl, Elif Bilgilsoy, Florian Vollnhals, Le Hoang Linh, Sascha Koch, Armin Gölzhäuser, and Hubertus Marbach
Mi, 10:45 DS 15.5 Fabrication of Photonic and Optomechanics Devices in hBN by Electron Beam Induced Etching — •Johannes Froech, Sejeong Kim, Prasoon Shandilya, Bishnupada Behera, Chris Healy, James Bishop, Matthew Mitchell, David Lake, Paul Barclay, Igor Aharonovich, and Milos Toth
Mi, 11:00 DS 15.6 Energy from Green House Gas Stored in Nanogranular Material — •Hans Koops
Mi, 11:30 DS 15.7 Hauptvortrag: Resist-free fabrication of graphene devices using focused ion beam patterning and direct-write ALD — •Ageeth Bol
Mi, 12:00 DS 15.8 Atomic layer deposition on electron beam written nanostructuresCaspar Haverkamp, Hanno Kröncke, Patryk Kusch, Felix Oertel, Catherine Dubourdieu, Stephanie Reich, and •Katja Höflich
Mi, 12:15 DS 15.9 Towards all-metallic nano-structures using FEBID and ALD — •Peter Gruszka and Michael Huth
Mi, 09:30 DS 16.1 Visualising the Vertical Energetic Landscape in Organic Photovoltaics — •Vincent Lami, Andreas Weu, Jiangbin Zhang, Yongsheng Chen, Zhuping Fei, Martin Heeney, Richard Friend, and Yana Vaynzof

4364 Ergebnisse auf 437 Seiten: 192 93 94 95 96437

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2019 > Regensburg