
Rostock 2019 – scientific programme

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A: Fachverband Atomphysik

A 11: Ultra-cold plasmas and Rydberg systems

A 11.9: Poster

Tuesday, March 12, 2019, 16:30–18:30, S Fobau Physik

Rydberg Dressed Quantum Many-Body Systems — •Lorenzo Festa, Nikolaus Lorenz, and Christian Gross — Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1, 85748 Garching

We are setting up a novel experiment for the study of quantum many-body systems with engineered long-range interactions. These interactions are induced by off-resonant laser coupling to Rydberg states, so called Rydberg dressing. A great potential of this dressing technique lies in the combination of Rydberg induced interactions and atomic motion in the quantum regime. This requires the long-range interaction between Rydberg atoms to be coherent on the timescale set by the atomic motion. By the choice of the laser parameters the extremely strong dipolar interactions can be balanced with the rate of dissipative light scattering. Studying two-dimensional Rydberg dressed system in an optical lattice will allow us to explore Hubbard models beyond onsite interactions and to realize quantum magnets with engineered inter-spin interactions.

A first intermediate goal of our experiment is to study tailored quantum magnets in microtrap arrays, where Potassium provides interesting prospects for deterministic array loading. The microtrap approach has been chosen in order to have a flexible and fast system for experiments that require high statistics. We are also developing the high power laser system for the ultraviolett light designed to maximize the coupling to Rydberg states.

Here we report on the status of the project and the progress done in the last year with the construction of the experimental apparatus.

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