Rostock 2019 – scientific programme
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A: Fachverband Atomphysik
A 12: Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC
A 12.26: Poster
Tuesday, March 12, 2019, 16:30–18:30, S Fobau Physik
Strongly interacting Ytterbium Fermi gases for impurity physics — •Oscar Bettermann1,2, Nelson Darkwah Oppong1,2, Luis Riegger1,2, Giulio Pasqualetti1,2, Moritz Höfer1,2, Immanuel Bloch1,2, and Simon Fölling1,2 — 1Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany — 2Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany
As an alkaline-earth-like atom, ytterbium features a metastable "clock" state which allows for the implementation of Fermionic gases with orbital degree of freedom. State-dependent lattices enable the realization of two-orbital Hamiltonians such as Kondo-type systems, where particles in the two orbital states interact with spin-exchanging interactions. We have characterized the interaction properties of fermionic ytterbium, which we have shown to be tuneable.
In ytterbium-173, an interorbital Feshbach resonance between one atom in the ground state and another in the clock state enables the study of strongly interacting two-orbital many-body systems. By preparing a gas in a 1D optical lattice with extreme spin-imbalance and with the spin components in separate orbitals, a system of impurity particles interacting strongly with the surrounding Fermi sea is realized. We characterize the spectrum of these two-dimensional quasi-particles as a function of the interaction parameter and identify the attractive and repulsive Fermi polaron branches. We also investigate the quasi-particle residue as well as the lifetime of the repulsive polaron, finding good agreement with a two-orbital many-body theory.