Rostock 2019 – scientific programme
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A: Fachverband Atomphysik
A 31: Quantum gases (Fermions) (joint session A/Q)
A 31.6: Talk
Thursday, March 14, 2019, 15:15–15:30, S HS 1 Physik
Density-wave steady-state phase of dissipative ultracold fermions with nearest-neighbor interactions — Jaromir Panas1, •Michael Pasek1, Arya Dhar1,2, Tao Qin1, Andreas Geißler1,3, Mohsen Hafez-Torbati1, Max Erich Sorantin4, Irakli Titvinidze4, and Walter Hofstetter1 — 1Institut für Theoretische Physik, Goethe-Universität, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany — 2Institut für Theoretische Physik, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Appelstraße 2, 30167 Hannover, Germany — 3ISIS, University of Strasbourg and CNRS, 67000 Strasbourg, France — 4Institute of Theoretical and Computational Physics, Graz University of Technology, 8010 Graz, Austria
We investigate the effect of local dissipation on the presence of density-wave ordering in spinful fermions with both local and nearest-neighbor interactions as described by the extended Hubbard model. We find density-wave order to be robust against decoherence effects up to a critical point where the system becomes homogeneous with no spatial ordering. These results should be relevant for future cold-atom experiments using fermions with non-local interactions arising from the dressing by highly-excited Rydberg states, which have finite lifetimes due to spontaneous emission processes.