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MS: Fachverband Massenspektrometrie
MS 3: Mass Spectrometry - Posters
MS 3.4: Poster
Dienstag, 12. März 2019, 16:30–18:15, S Fobau Physik
High-Precision Mass Measurements with PENTATRAP — •Rima X. Schüssler1, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia1, Menno Door1, Pavel Filianin1, Wenjia Huang1, Charlotte König1,2, Kathrin Kromer1,2, Yuri. N. Novikov1,3, Alexander Rischka1, Christoph Schweiger1, Sven Sturm1, Stefan Ulmer4, Sergey Eliseev1, and Klaus Blaum1 — 1Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg — 2Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg — 3Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Russia — 4RIKEN, Ulmer Fundamental Symmetries Laboratory, Saitama, Japan
The high-precision Penning-trap mass spectrometer PENTATRAP, situated at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg has recently demonstrated a relative mass precision of 10−11 using highly-charged xenon ions. Mass-ratio measurements of single stable and long lived highly charged ions are performed by determining their respective cyclotron frequencies in the strong magnetic field of a Penning trap. A unique feature of the experimental setup is the use of five cylindrical Penning traps, making simultaneous storage and measurement of several ion species possible. At this precision level, PENTATRAP will, for example, contribute to electron-neutrino mass related measurements within the ECHo collaboration, which determines the de-excitation spectrum following the electron capture in 163Ho.
The current status as well as the first measurements with PENTATRAP will be shown on the poster.