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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 25: Poster: Quantum Optics and Photonics I
Q 25.6: Poster
Dienstag, 12. März 2019, 16:30–18:30, S Atrium Informatik
Coexistence of phase transitions and hysteresis near the onset of Bose-Einstein condensation — Michael Maennel3 and •Klaus Morawetz1,2 — 1Münster University of Applied Sciences,Stegerwaldstrasse 39, 48565 Steinfurt, Germany — 2International Institute of Physics- UFRN,Campus Universitário Lagoa nova,59078-970 Natal, Brazil — 3Informatik DV,Petersstr. 14,04109 Leipzig, Germany
Multiple phases occurring in a Bose gas with finite-range interaction are investigated [2]. In the vicinity of the onset of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC), the chemical potential and the pressure show a van der Waals-like behavior indicating a first-order phase transition for weak interactions like Hartree-Fock or Popov approximation. However, for strong interactions there remains a multivalued region for the T-matrix approximation even after the Maxwell construction, which is interpreted as a density hysteresis [1]. This unified treatment of normal and condensed phases becomes possible due to the recently found scheme to eliminate self-interactions in the T-matrix approximation, which allows one to calculate properties below and above the critical temperature [3,4]. [1] Phys. Rev. A 87 (2013) 053617, [2] New J. Phys. 12 (2010) 033013, [3] J. Stat. Phys. 143 (2011) 482, [4] Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011) 094529