Rostock 2019 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 47: Quantum Effects (QED) II
Donnerstag, 14. März 2019, 10:30–12:15, S Gr. HS Maschb.
10:30 |
Q 47.1 |
The Impact of Geometry on Quantum Friction — •Christoph H. Egerland, Daniel Reiche, Francesco Intravaia, and Kurt Busch
10:45 |
Q 47.2 |
Dispersion forces in inhomogeneous stratified media — •Johannes Fiedler, Clas Persson, and Stefan Yoshi Buhmann
11:00 |
Q 47.3 |
Dynamical nonequilibrium dispersion forces at finite temperatures — •Marty Oelschläger, Francesco Intravaia, and Kurt Busch
11:15 |
Q 47.4 |
Towards a spectroscopic measurement of quantum friction — •Nico Strauß, Johannes Fiedler, and Stefan Yoshi Buhmann
11:30 |
Q 47.5 |
Ab-initio few-mode Hamiltonians for cavity QED — •Dominik Lentrodt, Kilian P. Heeg, Christoph H. Keitel, and Jörg Evers
11:45 |
Q 47.6 |
Cold-atom-based implementation of the Dicke model in the ultra-strong coupling regime — •Yijian Meng, Alexandre Dareau, Philipp Schneeweiss, and Arno Rauschenbeutel
12:00 |
Q 47.7 |
Selforganization of magnetic atoms in an optical cavity — •Luigi Giannelli, Simon Jäger, and Giovanna Morigi