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HK 63: Combined Instrumentation Session: Semiconductor Detectors (joint session HK/T)
Freitag, 3. April 2020, 11:00–13:00, H-HS XV
11:00 |
HK 63.1 |
Investigation of light enhanced annealing of irradiated silicon strip detectors and pad diodes — •Mägdefessel Sven, Parzefall Ulrich, and Mori Riccardo
11:15 |
HK 63.2 |
Temperature Scaling of Leakage Current in Irradiated Silicon Sensors — •Felix Wizemann, Kevin Kröninger, and Jens Weingarten
11:30 |
HK 63.3 |
Studie zur Auswirkung von Strahlenschäden auf die Zwischenstreifenisolation von n-in-p Siliziumstreifensensoren — Felix Bögelspacher, Alexander Dierlamm, Thomas Müller, •Jan-Ole Müller-Gosewisch, Andreas Nürnberg, Hans Jürgen Simonis und Pia Steck
11:45 |
HK 63.4 |
Study of thermal runaway of hadron-irradiated silicon sensors — Ingo Bloch, Heiko Lacker, •Felix Riemer, and Christian Scharf
12:00 |
HK 63.5 |
R&D for the Cooling Demonstrator of the CBM Silicon Tracking System (STS) — •Kshitij Agarwal for the CBM collaboration
12:15 |
HK 63.6 |
Ultra Fast Silicon Detectors for timing applications in HADES — •Wilhelm Krueger, Nicolo Cartiglia, Marco Ferrero, Tetyana Galatyuk, Mladen Kis, Wolfgang Koenig, Michal Koziel, Sergey Linev, Jan Michel, Stefano Moneta, Jerzy Pietraszko, Adrian Rost, Arnaud Schemm, Valentina Sola, Konrad Sumara, Michael Traeger, Michael Traxler, and Christian Wendisch
12:30 |
HK 63.7 |
A precision floating, high-voltage picoamperemeter — •Florian Rössing, Tobias Rudolph, Dimitri Schaab, and Bernhard Ketzer
12:45 |
HK 63.8 |
Automatized dark current measurement system for irradiated SiPM detectors in COSY — •Anoop Nagesh Koushik for the JEDI collaboration