Bonn 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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ST 3: Radiation monitoring and dosimetry II
Mittwoch, 1. April 2020, 11:00–12:00, H-HS II
11:00 |
ST 3.1 |
TL-DOS dose estimation study considering pre- and post-irradiation fading — •Hannah Jansen, Kevin Kröninger, Florian Mentzel, Jens Weingarten, and Jörg Walbersloh
11:15 |
ST 3.2 |
Irradiation date estimation for personal dose monitoring using artificial neural networks — •Florian Mentzel, Kevin Kröninger, Jörg Walbersloh, and Jens Weingarten
11:30 |
ST 3.3 |
Development of radiation-induced frequency shifts in TCXO crystal oscillators — •Luisa Speicher, Marius Hötting, Kevin Kröninger, Markus Markgraf, Florian Mentzel, Jan Pitann, Jörg Walbersloh, Jens Weingarten, and Andreas Spoerl
11:45 |
ST 3.4 |
Investigation of radiation-induced frequency shifts in TCXO crystal oscillators — •Marius Hötting, Kevin Kröninger, Markus Markgraf, Florian Mentzel, Jan Pitann, Luisa Speicher, Andreas Spoerl, Jörg Walbersloh, and Jens Weingarten