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T 21: Electroweak physics I
Montag, 30. März 2020, 16:30–18:00, L-3.016
16:30 |
T 21.1 |
Determination of the weak mixing angle using angular coefficients of Z boson production at ATLAS — •Julian Fischer and Stefan Tapprogge
16:45 |
T 21.2 |
Electroweak precision fits at future electron positron colliders — •Jakob Beyer and Jenny List
17:00 |
T 21.3 |
Measurement of the differential W→ µ +ν cross section at high transverse masses at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. — •Johanna Wanda Kraus, Frederic Schröder, and Frank Ellinghaus
17:15 |
T 21.4 |
Measuring the lepton universality, the mass and the width in the W-boson decay with the ATLAS detector — Lennart Adam, Nassim Ainouz, Philip Bechtle, Klaus Desch, Jakub Kremer, •Philipp König, and Matthias Schott
17:30 |
T 21.5 |
Using impact parameter information for leptonic tau lepton decays in the measurement of the W→τν decay — •Nassim Ainouz, Philipp König, Matthias Schott, Lennart Adam, Jakub Kremer, Philip Bechtle, and Klaus Desch
17:45 |
T 21.6 |
Measurement of W+γ production via electroweak vector boson scattering in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV at ATLAS — •Burkhard Böhm, Gia Khoriauli, and Raimund Ströhmer