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T 42: Experimental methods II
Dienstag, 31. März 2020, 17:00–18:15, L-4.001
17:00 |
T 42.1 |
Quark gluon tagging in dijet searches using only calorimeter-based event information with the ATLAS experiment — •Lisa Marie Baltes
17:15 |
T 42.2 |
Charm jet identification and discriminator calibration with the CMS experiment — •Spandan Mondal, Xavier Coubez, Luca Mastrolorenzo, Andrzej Novak, Andrey Pozdnyakov, and Alexander Schmidt
17:30 |
T 42.3 |
b-tagging efficiency calibration for Variable-R track jets — •Janik von Ahnen for the ATLAS collaboration
17:45 |
T 42.4 |
Multijet Background Estimation with the Rebalance and Smear Method — Arthur Linß, Xuanhong Lou, •Jonas Neundorf, Krisztian Peters, Matthias Saimpert, and Christian Sander
18:00 |
T 42.5 |
Estimation of the multi-jet background using the Rebalance and Smear technique for a dark matter search in ATLAS — •Arthur Linß and Christian Sander for the ATLAS collaboration