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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 51: Flavor physics: CKM I
T 51.4: Talk
Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 17:15–17:30, H-HS XI
Measurement of inclusive differential kinematic distributions for |Vcb| — Florian Bernlochner, Lu Cao, Jochen Dingfelder, William Sutcliffe, and •Raynette van Tonder — University of Bonn, Germany
The discrepancy between inclusive and exclusive measurements of the CKM matrix element |Vub| has posed a longstanding puzzle. Since one of the major difficulties involved with the inclusive |Vub| measurement is the determination of the non-perturbative distribution function describing the internal Fermi motion of the b-quark, innovative new analysis strategies aimed toward reducing model uncertainties have been suggested. One of these approaches proposes to measure key kinematic differential distributions of B → Xu ℓ νℓ decays and combine them into a global, data-driven fit, which would simultaneously determine |Vub| as well as other useful parameters. This analysis makes use of hadronic tagging and is performed on the full dataset of the Belle experiment comprising 772 million B B pairs. In order to test analysis techniques under development for the above-mentioned measurement, the more abundant phase space region of B → Xc ℓ νℓ decays is exploited. This talk will show the current analysis status as well as differential kinematic distributions for B → Xc ℓ νℓ decays.