16:30 |
T 57.1 |
Design of a test system for Service Hybrids for CMS silicon strip modules — Alexander Bogner, Christian Dziwok, Lutz Feld, Waclaw Karpinski, Katja Klein, Martin Lipinski, •Alexander Pauls, Oliver Pooth, Marius Preuten, Max Rauch, Michael Wlochal, and Tim Ziemons
16:45 |
T 57.2 |
Qualifizierung von Silizium-Streifensensormodulen für das CMS-Experiment am HL-LHC — Tobias Barvich, •Justus Braach, Alexander Dierlamm, Ulrich Husemann, Roland Koppenhöfer, Stefan Maier, Thomas Müller, Andreas Nürnberg, Hans Jürgen Simonis und Pia Steck
17:00 |
T 57.3 |
Assembly of functional 2S-modules for the Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS-Tracker — Christian Dziwok, Lutz Feld, Katja Klein, Oliver Pooth, •Nicolas Röwert, Tim Ziemons, and Michael Wlochal
17:15 |
T 57.4 |
Beam test of 2S module prototypes for the Phase-2 CMS Outer Tracker — Christian Dziwok, Lutz Feld, Katja Klein, Martin Lipinski, Alexander Pauls, Oliver Pooth, Max Rauch, Nicolas Röwert, and •Tim Ziemons
17:30 |
T 57.5 |
Effizienzstudien von n-in-p Silizium-Makropixelsensoren für das Phase-2-Upgrade des CMS-Experiments — Tobias Barvich, Alexander Dierlamm, Alexander Droll, Ulrich Husemann, Thomas Müller, Jan-Ole Müller-Gosewisch, Andreas Nürnberg, Hans-Jürgen Simonis und •Florian Wittig
17:45 |
T 57.6 |
Performance of the Lycoris large area strip telescope — •Uwe Kraemer, Marcel Stanitzki, Mengqing Wu, Ralf Diener, and Ties Behnke
18:00 |
T 57.7 |
Loading of strip silicon modules for the ATLAS ITk upgrade phase-II — •Alessia Renardi, Sergio Diez Cornell, and Othmane Rifki for the ATLAS collaboration