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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 6: Neutrino physics without accelerators I
T 6.1: Talk
Monday, March 30, 2020, 16:30–16:45, H-HS IV
Characterization of the TRISTAN prototype detectors with electrons — •Daniel Siegmann for the KATRIN collaboration — Max Planck Institut for Physics
The TRISTAN (TRitium Invetigations of STerile to Active Neutrino mixing) project aims to search for the signature of a keV sterile neutrino in the tritium beta decay spectra. Therefore, the detector system of the KATRIN experiment will be upgraded after its neutrino mass survey.
To reach a high sensitivity to the sterile neutrino mixing angle the strong activity of the KATRIN tritium source is required. The resulting high electron rate is one of the greatest challenges for the TRISTAN project. It will be approached by distributing the rate among 3500 pixels, resulting in count rates of 100 kcps per pixel. To resolve the kink-like signature of the keV sterile neutrino signal the detector needs to maintain an excellent energy resolution of 300 eV (FWHM) at 20 keV and a low energy threshold.
To fulfill these requirements the first two generations of the TRISTAN silicon drift detector prototypes have been characterized with photons and electrons. The overall performance with regard to energy resolution, detection threshold and the thickness of the entrance window are presented in this talk. Additionally the detector response for electrons is modeled and discussed.
This work is supported by the Max Planck society and the TU Munich (“Chair for Dark Matter, Susanne Mertens”).