Bonn 2020 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 62: Cosmic rays II
T 62.7: Talk
Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 18:05–18:20, L-3.002
Paving the way to an event-by-event level estimation of the masses of UHECRs with AugerPrime and Air Shower Universality — •Maximilian Stadelmaier1, Markus Roth1, Ralph Engel1, and Federico Sanchez2 for the Pierre Auger collaboration — 1KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany — 2ITeDA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Reconstructing the primary masses of ultra high-energetic cosmic rays (UHECRs) on event level can give insight into a manifold of open questions in astrophysics, for instance identifying individual sources or source regions. A reconstruction based on Air Shower Universality allows the determination of the relative muon content, Rµ, and the atmospheric depth of the shower maximum, Xmax, of an extensive air shower with data collected only from a surface detector. Both these observables can be linked to the mass of the cosmic ray. The upgraded surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory, AugerPrime, will allow an accurate reconstruction of these mass sensitive observables on an event level. We present the principles of Air Shower Universality as well as first results based on simulations to reconstruct the relative muon content of extensive air showers produced by ultra high-energetic cosmic rays using AugerPrime.