Bonn 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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T 78: Higgs: Extended models
Donnerstag, 2. April 2020, 16:30–18:45, H-HS XVI
16:30 |
T 78.1 |
Messung der HZZ-Tensor-Kopplung in pp → H → ZZ* → 4 ℓ - Zerfällen mit dem ATLAS-Detektor — •Verena Walbrecht, Sandra Kortner, Oliver Kortner und Hubert Kroha
16:45 |
T 78.2 |
Analysis of heavy Higgs boson decays into lighter Higgs bosons in the bb+ττ final state — •Janek Bechtel, Günter Quast, and Roger Wolf
17:00 |
T 78.3 |
New Analysis Techniques for the search for BSM H →ττ with the full Run-2 dataset — •Lino Gerlach and Stan Lai for the ATLAS collaboration
17:15 |
T 78.4 |
Search for additional Higgs bosons decaying to a pair of W bosons in the semi-leptonic final state with the CMS detector using full Run 2 data — Mate Farkas, Olena Hlushchenko, Wolfgang Lohmann, Dennis Roy, Hale Sert, •Sebastian Siebert, Achim Stahl, Lucas Wiens, and Alexander Zotz
17:30 |
T 78.5 |
Lepton selection in the boosted HH→ bbWW* analysis with √s=13 TeV ATLAS data — •Kira Abeling, Stan Lai, and Jason Veatch
17:45 |
T 78.6 |
Search for charged Higgs bosons of a Type I 2HDM in the final state with one lepton and multiple jets — •David Brunner, Isabell Melzer-Pellmann, and Dirk Krücker
18:00 |
T 78.7 |
Search for additional Higgs bosons decaying into W+W− in the di-leptonic final state with CMS using full Run 2 data — Mate Farkas, Olena Hlushchenko, Wolfgang Lohmann, •Dennis Roy, Hale Sert, Sebastian Siebert, Achim Stahl, Lucas Wiens, and Alexander Zotz
18:15 |
T 78.8 |
Studies of an Extended Higgs Sectors — •Judith Höfer, Claudia Seitz, Rickard Ström, Priscilla Pani, and Beate Heinemann
18:30 |
T 78.9 |
Suche nach unsichtbaren Zerfällen des Higgs-Bosons in Ereignissen mit einem hadronisch zerfallenden Vektorboson mit dem ATLAS-Detektor — •Johannes Balz, Volker Büscher, Andreas Reiß und Duc Bao Ta