Bonn 2020 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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Bereiche | Tage | Auswahl | Suche | Aktualisierungen | Downloads | Hilfe
12 Ergebnisse auf 1 Seite
Mo, 16:45 | T 16.2 | Automating the calculation of jet functions in SCET — •Kevin Brune and Guido Bell | |
Di, 17:30 | T 40.3 | Redevelopment of RawDataAnalysis package for ATLAS pixel detector — •Buddhadeb Mondal, Oldrich Kepka, Carmen Diez Pardos, and Ivor Fleck for the ATLAS collaboration | |
Do, 14:00 | T 68.1 | Eingeladener Vortrag: Assembling the flavour jigsaw (2020 edition) — •Oscar Cata | |
Do, 17:30 | T 74.5 | Towards completion of the four-body contributions to B → Xs γ at NLO — •Lars-Thorben Moos and Tobias Huber | |
Do, 18:45 | T 74.10 | CP-Violation in Multi-Body B Decays — •Kevin Olschewsky, Thomas Mannel, and Keri Vos | |
Do, 17:15 | T 79.4 | sPlot technique: Comparison of error correction methods in unbinned maximum likelihood fits with sWeighted events — Peter Buchholz, Siddardha Chelluri, Mazuza Ghneimat, •Tim-Philip Hücking, Iskander Ibragimov, and Wolfgang Walkowiak | |
Do, 18:30 | T 87.9 | Building and testing a TPC for IAXO and developing reconstruction algorithms — Ivor Fleck, •Jan Joachim Hahn, and Ulrich Werthenbach | |
Do, 17:45 | T 88.6 | Measurement of top quark charge asymmetry in ttγ production in the ATLAS experiment — •Amartya Rej, Ivor Fleck, and Carmen Diez Pardos for the ATLAS collaboration | |
Do, 18:15 | T 88.8 | Effective Field Theory for ttγ at √s = 13 TeV — •Binish Batool, Carmen Diez Pardos, and Ivor Fleck for the ATLAS collaboration | |
Fr, 12:30 | T 98.7 | Untersuchung des b → u Beitrages zur Vcb Bestimmung — Thomas Mannel und •Muslem Rahimi | |
Fr, 11:00 | T 102.1 | Studies of Lorentz Violation using Air Shower Data — •Fabian Dünkel, Marcus Niechciol, and Markus Risse | |
Fr, 12:00 | T 103.5 | Predicting the UHE photon flux from GZK-interactions of hadronic cosmic rays using CRPropa 3 — •Anna Bobrikova, Marcus Niechciol, Markus Risse, and Philip Ruehl for the Pierre Auger collaboration | |
12 Ergebnisse auf 1 Seite