Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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AKBP 2: Radiofrequency
Montag, 16. März 2020, 15:00–16:00, GÖR 226
15:00 |
AKBP 2.1 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
15:15 |
AKBP 2.2 |
SRF R&D activities at the Universität Hamburg and DESY — •Marc Wenskat, Christopher Bate, Arti Dangwal Pandey, Isabel Gonzalez Diaz-Palacio, Ricardo Monroy-Villa, Timothy Nagel, Heshmat Noei, Detlef Reschke, Jörn Schaffran, Guilherme Dalla Lana Semione, Sven Sievers, Lea Steder, Vedran Vonk, Jonas Wolff, Robert Zierold, Wolfgang Hillert, Andreas Stierle, Robert Blick, and Hans Weise
15:30 |
AKBP 2.3 |
A quadrupole resonator for SRF R&D — •Ricardo Monroy-Villa, Wolfgang Hillert, Detlef Reschke, Jan-Hendrik Thie, and Marc Wenskat
15:45 |
AKBP 2.4 |
Microphonics Measurement and Compensation at MESA* — •Anna Kujawa, Florian Hug, and Timo Stengler