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AKjDPG: Arbeitskreis junge DPG
AKjDPG 5: PhD Focus Session: In-situ probes toward better understanding of hybrid halide perovskites I (joint session CPP/AKjDPG)
AKjDPG 5.4: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 19. März 2020, 18:15–18:30, ZEU 222
Investigating MAPbI_{3} Thin Film Formation during Spin Coating by Simultaneous in Situ Absorption and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy — Mihirsinh Chauhan1,2, Yu Zhon1, Konstantin Schötz1, Brijesh Tripathi2, Anna Köhler1, Sven Huettner1, and •Fabian Panzer1 — 1University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany — 2Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar, India
Until today, the two-step processing method represents an attractive route for the thin film formation of halide perovskites. However, a fundamental understanding about the film formation dynamics in case of spin coating methylammonium iodide (MAI) on PbI_{2} has not been established yet. Here we apply in-situ optical spectroscopy during the two-step film formation of the model halide perovskite MAPbI_{3} via spin coating. We identify and analyze in detail the optical features that occur in photoluminescence and corresponding absorption spectra during processing. We find that the film formation takes place in five consecutive steps, including the formation of a MAPbI3 capping layer via an interface crystallization and the occurrence of an intense dissolution-recrystallization process. Consideration of confinement and self-absorption effects in the PL spectra, together with consideration of the corresponding absorption spectra allows to quantify the growth rate of the initial interface crystallization to be 13 nm/s for our processing conditions. We find the main dissolution recrystallization process to happen with a rate of 445 nm/s, emphasizing its importance to the overall processing.