Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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BP 2: Focus: Phase Separation in Biological Systems I (joint session BP/CPP)
Montag, 16. März 2020, 09:30–12:45, SCH A251
09:30 |
BP 2.1 |
ATP-arrested phase separation of an abundant nuclear protein — •Davide Michieletto
09:45 |
BP 2.2 |
Experimental measurement of the phase diagram of liquid-liquid phase separating proteins and peptides — •Emmanouela Filippidi, Anthony Hyman, and Frank Jülicher
10:00 |
BP 2.3 |
Measuring protein concentrations in biomolecular condensates via quantitative phase microscopy — •Patrick M McCall, K Kim, J Wang, AW Fritsch, A Poznyakovskiy, B Diederich, M Kreysing, R Heintzmann, J Guck, S Alberti, J Brugués, and AA Hyman
10:15 |
BP 2.4 |
Phase separation in protein solutions – a colloid physics’ perspective — •Florian Platten and Stefan U. Egelhaaf
10:30 |
BP 2.5 |
Kinetics and dynamics of LLPS in protein solutions exhibiting a LCST phase behavior probed by XPCS — •Anastasia Ragulskaya, Anita Girelli, Nafisa Begam, Hendrik Rahmann, Fabian Westermeier, Fajun Zhang, Christian Gutt, and Frank Schreiber
10:45 |
BP 2.6 |
Quantitative droplet FRAP based on physical principles — •Lars Hubatsch, Louise Jawerth, Anthony Hyman, and Christoph Weber
11:00 |
30 min. coffee break
11:30 |
BP 2.7 |
Stress granule formation via ATP depletion-triggered phase separation — Jean David Wurtz and •Chiu Fan Lee
12:00 |
BP 2.8 |
Sequence dependent gelation, accumulation and sedimentation — •Alexandra Kühnlein, Christof Mast, Hannes Mutschler, and Dieter Braun
12:15 |
BP 2.9 |
Shedding light on biomolecular condensates: optical trapping of protein & RNA liquids — •Marcus Jahnel, Titus M. Franzmann, Simon Alberti, and Stephan W. Grill
12:30 |
BP 2.10 |
Brillouin microscopy studies on phase separated FUS protein droplets — •Timon Beck, Mark Leaver, Raimund Schlüssler, and Jochen Guck